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Displaying episodes 1 - 30 of 51 in total

Question 1

Father, how do You like spending time with me?

Question 2

Father, what miracles have You done in my life recently that I haven’t noticed or realised? 

Question 3

Father, what lie am I believing about myself? What is the truth?

Question 4

Father, what promises have I forgotten about or let go of? What promises are You inviting me to pick up again in this season?

Question 5

God, what lie am I believing about You? What is the truth?

Question 6

God, today can You display or show Your love for me? Keep your eyes and ears open and aware. He is going to display the splendour of His love for you! Psalms 119:124: ...

Question 7

God, in what areas of my life do I worry about what others think of me? What do You say about these areas of my life?

Question 8

Father, what promises have You fulfilled that I haven’t realised or stopped to acknowledge?Psalms 119:140: All your promises glow with fire… (TPT)

Question 9

God, in what areas of my life do I have a limited expectation on how You will move, heal, show up or impact? What are You saying about this area in my life?Matthew 9:2...

Question 10

Father, is there someone I need to forgive? I hand them to You, God, and forgive them for… (be specific and can be more than one thing) and I pray a blessing over them...

Question 11

Father, what have I done recently that has made You really proud?

Question 12

God, what scripture are You drawing my attention to? What is it about this scripture I am to focus and dwell on today? 

Question 13

God, is there something in my life that I am trying to do in my own strength? Why am I trying to do these things in my own strength? I surrender these things to You Lo...

Question 14

Father, who do You want me to encourage today? How do You want me to encourage them?

Question 15

God, what promise or promises are You wanting me to embrace and believe for in this season? Psalms 119:122: Let me hear your promises of blessing over my life… (TPT)

Question 16

God, is there something in my life that feels dry or weighty? What do You say about those dry and weighty things? 

Question 17

Father, is there something specific You are inviting me to pray for today?

Question 18

God, what have I done recently that gave You a good laugh?

Question 19

God, how many people am I allowing to speak into my life right now? Is there anyone who is not meant to be speaking into my life in this season? God, have I positioned...

Question 20

What song are You singing over me today, Lord? God is speaking to you through a song today. Pay attention to songs, a chorus, a phrase of a song that you keep repeatin...

Question 21

Father, who are the two or three friends who are safe to have close that I can share my heart with?

Question 22

God, what intimidates me? Why does it intimidate me? What do You say about this, God? 

Question 23

God, are there areas in my life that I am “toning down” or “down playing”? Why am I doing that? God, are You inviting me to shine brightly in these areas?

Question 24

Father, what is it about me that brings You delight?

Question 25

God, what are Your top three priorities for my life right now?

Question 26

God, what burden am I carrying that belongs to You? I place this burden back in Your hands God, and trust You with the outcome. What do You give me in exchange?

Question 27

God, what part of Your nature is in me? What characteristics of Yours have You designed me with? How do I reflect You to the world? Genesis 1:27: So God created mankin...

Question 28

Father, what is something that You are inviting me to pause to acknowledge and celebrate today? How shall I celebrate it with You?

Question 29

God, what lie am I believing about my future? What is the truth?

Question 30

God, what is Your definition of success for my life? What does Your success look like? I exchange my ideas of success for Your true definition of success.

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